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Ensure Cross Platform Compatibility And Improve Deliverability


Test and Validate Your HTML Emails for Marketing Success

Ensure Cross-Platform Compatibility and Improve Deliverability

In the realm of email marketing, ensuring your HTML emails render flawlessly across various devices and email clients is crucial for campaign success. A free HTML email tester like Mailgun provides a vital tool to test and validate your emails before sending them out.

Key Features of an HTML Email Tester

  • Trigger the first email and receive it in your testing inbox
  • View market support scores to identify unsupported elements
  • Test HTML emails for campaigns, newsletters, and more in real time
  • Built for email developers, designers, and marketers
  • Inline CSS and send test HTML emails to your inbox using our HTML editor
  • Paste the HTML source of your email for validation

Benefits of Using an HTML Email Tester

By using an HTML email tester, you can:

  • Identify and fix compatibility issues to ensure your emails display properly
  • Increase email deliverability rates by adhering to best practices
  • Boost conversions and improve customer engagement with well-designed emails
  • Save time and effort by testing emails before they go live

How to Use an HTML Email Tester

Using an HTML email tester is straightforward:

  1. Paste the HTML source of your email into the testing tool.
  2. Click "Test" to initiate the validation process.
  3. Review the test results to identify any issues.
  4. Make the necessary adjustments to your email code.
  5. Retest your email until it passes all checks.

By following these steps, you can ensure your HTML emails are optimized for engagement and success across all devices and email clients.

